Providing accurate, accessible answers, a3Genealogy specializes in historical and genealogical research and document retrieval. Founded in 2008 by Kathleen Brandt, a3Genealogy specializes has become a premiere resource for military, naturalization records, Native and African American ancestry research.
Your goal is our mission. Our a3Gen research team may uncover answers in library stacks, court house cellars or military archives.
Our clients are our partners. From the Research Plan to the Final Report the a3Gen team provides updates at every stage of the research process.
Where's the Proof? From Topeka to Tokyo, the a3Gen team conducts exhaustive research analyzing each piece of evidence.
our services
The a3Gen team performs research on people, places events, and other popular topics of interest.
The a3Genealogy - Accurate, Accessible Answers - blog shares informative historical and genealogical information with our clients and to other genealogists.
Readers can easily access research tips under the Tools of Interest and Remember to Research labels; Ethnic and nationality research tips are found under the Europe and Africa, African American, and Native American topics; and there are an abundance of posts on Military/NARA searches.
contact information
a3Genealogy Kathleen Brandt P.O. Box 414640 Kansas City, Mo. 64141
Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 3:30pm Consultations: By Appt. Only
What is Genealogy? "Genealogy is more than cold dates and endless hours of research. It is more than who was born, who was married and who died. It is more than who a family was, and more than what they did or where they lived. Through the study of the names, dates, migrations, census information and DNA, the cold dates become milestones in the life of someone we are connected to. The births of the past become as momentous as a birth today; the marriages, jobs, and setbacks as poignant. It is not only discovering a history but also uncovering a human journey. It allows for a grand perspective and the realization that we will be the birth dates, marriage dates, and death dates of a future generation. We will be the nameless faces that stare from a faded picture. And so Genealogy becomes our future. By honoring our past we teach our children to honor theirs. When we honor the struggles and triumphs of our fathers and mothers we honor the struggles of all families at all times in all places."
Kathleen Brandt, an international genealogy consultant, speaker and writer has more than 10 years of experience as a Professional Genealogist and is a licensed Private Investigator. Her clients include NBC Who Do You Think You Are? Seasons 2010-2011, PBS, Finding Your Roots, with Henry Louis Gates, 2012 and she appeared on the History Channel, How the States Got Their Shape, 2012. She has extensive experience in international and nationwide documentation retrieval, free-colored research, military record reconstructions, and tracing slaves, as well as Italian, Irish, Swedish, and German records. As a freelance writer, her genealogy articles have been published online through and AARP magazines, and on the a3Genealogy blog where she provides educational and informational articles on history, genealogy and research methodology. She is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG). For more information click here for Experience and Qualifications.
ancestry and archival
a3Genealogy researchers are able to draw upon years of experience in family history and genealogical research. Our research extends pass the online searches and delves into Federal, State, and local repositories. Our goal is to perform an exhaustive search to meet your objective.
Naturalization: Did your ancestor become an American citizen? When, where, and why?
Immigration: From where did your ancestors originate? Where did they settle? What was their migratory path?
African American: From Grandpa to Africa (or the Caribbean), are tracing slaves, free coloreds, migratory paths, DNA analysis or military service?
Native American: Are you researching your Native American Ancestor, or proof of bloodline? Determine Lineage, Tribal Research, DNA analysis?
Veteran Research: Our veteran research topics encompass "Enlistment to Discharge."
Ethnic Research: Did your ancestor change his name? Did he settle in an ethnic community?
Historical research for museums and other repositories
Academic research
Writing corporate histories and town histories
Neighborhood preservation research
House history projects
"I have been singing your praises to folks I know...thanks for all of your work. I do not know if I would have gone this far if I was not looking to secure the dual passports---but it was so interesting to learn about my grandfather and to see his photograph..." Amy P.
military research
Researchers work closely with archivists and historians at the National Archives (NARA) and military museums worldwide. a3Gen researchers specialize in reconstructing veterans' files lost in the Fire of 1973. Our clients, though, turn to us not just for veteran and troop information, but for photos, ship manifests, videos and military technologies.
Early War Research
Land Bounty
Revolutionary War
Civil War
Modern Military Research
Spanish American War to Korean War
Reconstruct Military File
Replace Medals and Awards
Document Retrieval
For your research project you may need copies of known records and documents. The Document Retrieval "Quick Service" does not include Archival Research. a3Genealogy is headquartered in Kansas City. Document Retrieval "Quick Service" requests are limited to local Repositories.
Quick Service Repositories
National Archives - KC
Truman Presidential Library
Kansas City, Kansas Courthouses and museums
Kansas City, Missouri Courthouses and museums
Midwest Genealogy Center
Kansas State Archives
Other Favorite Facilities
National Personnel Record Center (NPRC) From Spanish American War to Present
Veteran Records
Military Troop Records
Civilian Conservation Corps Research (CCC)
Presidential Libraries (nationwide)
State Archives (nationwide)
Regional National Archives
Family History Library (FHL)
Looking for an expert to assist in tearing down your research brickwall? a3Gen's international business insight and research methodologies linked with up-to-date technology provide a winning combination for our clients.
Consulting Services Include:
Corporate Histories
Media and Independent Films
Museum Exhibits
Brickwall Solutions Include:
Research Plan Development
Life-cycle project management
Research project completion
Forensic and Investigative Research
Seeking research or analysis for cases with legal implications? a3Genealogy clients include attorneys, law offices, governmental agencies, corporations and individuals seeking dual citizenship.
Forensic Specialty
DNA Analysis
Probate and Estate Case Research
Heir and Beneficiary Research
Private Investigation
Dual Citizenship Status
Investigative Research
Are you looking for your WWII father and his American family? This is just one example of looking for living relatives ("reverse genealogy"). We will assists in connecting you with your living relatives. Kathleen Brandt is a Licensed Private Investigator, MO - #2012006814.
Looking for a motivational keynote speaker, or lecturer for your upcoming event?
Reignite the love of teaching with the motivating You Are a Pioneer! Series. Great for teacher in- service.
Our Let's Make History Alive series is popular for 4th - 12th grade students. Visit the Case of Grandview High School
Send your College Grads off to a new start with "In Anticipation of Open Territories: Preparing to See the Elephant" - Call for Brochure and Availability
Military Records Were Destroyed? What To Do - Kathleen Brandt has presented this popular step - by step lecture at the National Archives (KC); in Salt Lake City; and as a Keynote Speaker for Jackson County Genealogical Society (MO)
Did the local newspaper mention your ancestors? Visit Chronically America Newspapers - 1836-1922 for your ancestral search.
Genealogy Wikis
Need to ask a question or discuss a research topic? The Wiki community worldwide shares research tips and resources.
a3Genealogy research jobs are assigned based on clients' needs. Applicants should meet the following requirements: 1) expert in research topic 2) familiarity with local repositories and 3) location requirement. However, we also use the following when needed:
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Lorem Ipsum
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Mauris fermentum dictum magna. Sed laoreet aliquam leo. Mauris fermentum dictum magna. Sed laoreet aliquam leo. Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget, elementum vel, cursus eleifend, elit. Aenean auctor wisi et urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis. Integer rutrum ante eu lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla dui. Fusce feugiat malesuada odio. Morbi nunc odio, gravida at, cursus nec, luctus a, lorem. Maecenas tristique orci ac sem.